The Hole 1
As the spacecraft approached Saturn, onboard instruments detected the presence of thoughts created by someone outside of the crew. Thoughts that were subtly transformed into concrete actions. The commander interpreted that those thoughts came from the hole. An idea that, like in The Odyssey, in which the sirens tried to convince Ulysses to lead him to a fatal destination, they tried to convince the crew to approach the hole. The event catcher system detected the way in which thoughts acted on certain crew members to promote a mutiny.
El agujero 1
A medida que la nave se aproximaba a Saturno, los
instrumentos de a bordo detectaron la presencia de pensamientos ajenos a la
tripulación. Pensamientos que se transformaban sutilmente en acciones concretas.
El comandante interpretó que aquellos pensamientos provenían del agujero. Una idea
que como en La Odisea, en la que las sirenas trataban de convencer a Ulises
para conducirlo a un destino fatal, pretendían convencer a los tripulantes para
que se aproximaran al agujero. El sistema atrapador de eventos detectó la forma
en la que los pensamientos actuaban sobre ciertos tripulantes para promover un
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