Thursday, November 25, 2021

Return Home - Regreso al hogar

 Return home

He loved her so much and missed her so much that from the day she died, every night he wrapped himself up very well and lay down next to her grave. There he told her what had happened to him during the day. She was listening to his stories and suffered because she could not help him even with those phrases that caressed his soul of little boy.

She tired of suffering, the last night she waited impatiently for him to arrive, she left her grave and they returned home happily.

Regreso al hogar

La quería tanto y la echaba tanto de menos que desde el día en que ella murió, cada noche se abrigaba muy bien y se acostaba al lado de su tumba. Allí le contaba lo que le había sucedido durante el día. Ella escuchaba sus relatos y sufría por no poder ayudarle ni siquiera con aquellas frases que acariciaban su alma de niño.

Cansada de sufrir, aquella noche esperó con impaciencia a que él llegara, salió de su tumba y regresaron felices al hogar.