Lunia had been born in a small village in the fjords. Her father was a military leader, and because of the bravery and courage he showed at the Battle of Hafsrfjord, King Harald (the one with the fair hair), in recognition of his heroic courage, appointed him Jarl of the Shetlands. Lunia had to do a turbulent journey from Lindisfarne to Fair Island. During the voyage, the intense rain, the enormous waves that hit the ship and the violent treatment to which her father subjected her, weakened her health and her spirits.
Her first impulse was to explain to the crew what had happened, but frightened by what she had done and thinking about the reaction of those fierce warriors, she threw herself into the sea. Without knowing how, the waves threw her to a beach and the closed night did not allow her to distinguish the details surrounded her. Exhausted, she fell asleep. She was awakened by the touch of something sharp on her cheek. It was the beak of one of the seabirds that surrounded her and quickly moved away from her when she woke up.
Lunia había nacido en un pueblecito de los fiordos. Su padre era un caudillo militar, y por la valentía y coraje que mostró en la batalla de Hafsrfjord, el rey Harald (el de la hermosa cabellera), en reconocimiento a su heroico valor, le nombró Jarl de las islas Shetlands. Lunia tuvo que hacer un turbulento viaje desde Lindisfarne a la isla Fair. Durante la travesía, la intensa lluvia, las enormes olas que azotaban el barco y el trato violento al que su padre la sometía, debilitaron su salud y su ánimo.
Su primer impulso fue explicar a la tripulación lo ocurrido, pero asustada por lo que había hecho y pensando en la reacción de aquellos feroces guerreros, se arrojó al mar. Sin saber cómo, las olas la empujaron a una playa y la noche cerrada no le permitía distinguir los detalles. Exhausta, se durmió. La despertó el roce sobre su mejilla de algo puntiagudo. Era el pico de una de las aves marinas que la rodeaban y que se apartaron rápidamente de ella cuando se despertó.