The river
I went down to the river. There she was,
resting her hip on a moon rock. I approached slowly, and as our breaths melted
into a single heat, the fleeting trail of the unicorn crossed, breaking our
thread of gold. I reached out to caress her face and ... she vanished, to
appear far away, sitting on the back of the unicorn that finally took her away
from that river and from me.
El río
Bajé al rio. Allí estaba, apoyada la cadera en
una roca lunar. Me acerqué despacio, y a medida que nuestros alientos se
fundían en un único calor, la fugaz estela del unicornio se cruzó rompiendo
nuestro hilo de oro. Extendí la mano para acariciar su rostro y… se desvaneció,
para aparecer lejos, sentada a lomos del unicornio que la alejó definitivamente
de aquel río y de mí.