Saturday, October 6, 2018

Temper 1 - Carácter 1

Temper 1

She was in a difficult situation. Food in exchange for a drastic turn in his life.
Without spending a second meditating on it, she accepted the commitment. 
With a gesture from the Supreme, two guardians approached and led her into a dimly lit amber room. After a few moments, two people half humans half alien came in and made her lie down on a stretcher. A blue gas penetrated through his nose and a heavy sleep made him close his eyes.
When he woke up, he watched with astonishment the excessive increase of his belly. But at the same time, when she sat up, she felt lighter, lighter than ever. He did not notice the weight of the creature or creatures she carried in her womb.
He found that it had only been a few hours since he arrived in Xona, and he was perfectly well, looking forward to returning home.

Carácter 1
Estaba en una difícil situación. Los alimentos a cambio de un drástico giro en su vida.
Sin dedicar un segundo a meditarlo, aceptó el compromiso.  
Con un ademán del Supremo, se acercaron dos guardianes y la dirigieron a una sala tenuemente iluminada de color ámbar. Después de unos instantes, entraron dos medio humanos y le hicieron recostarse en una camilla. Un gas azul penetró por su nariz y un pesado sueño le hizo cerrar los ojos.
Cuando despertó, observó con estupor el desmesurado aumento de su vientre. Pero al mismo tiempo, cuando se incorporó se sentía ligera, más ligera que nunca. No notaba el peso de la criatura criaturas que llevaba en su seno.
Comprobó que solo habían transcurrido unas horas desde que llegó a Xona, y se encontraba perfectamente, con ganas de volver a casa.