Friday, February 15, 2019

The Letter - La carta

The Letter

That afternoon he needed writing a letter. He should have done so immediately after, in the middle of the battle, he suffered a serious accident that was preventing him from remembering clearly some experiences or memories in a random way. Now he was facing the worst. He was having to confess everything to his wife before they could see each other face to face. He couldn't stand their gaze, so he was going to explain her everything in a letter.
‘I don't remember my wife's name...’
Someone knocked on the door.
‘Go ahead’
‘Hello. Your husband is waiting for you in the captain's office. He's very worried about the accident you had, and he's explaining him some details.’

La carta

Esa tarde, él necesitaba escribir una carta. Tenía que haberlo hecho inmediatamente después de que, en plena batalla, sufriera un grave accidente que le impedía recordar con claridad algunas vivencias o recuerdos de forma aleatoria. Ahora se enfrentaba a lo peor. Debía confesárselo todo a su mujer antes de que se pudieran ver frente a frente. No podría soportar su mirada, así que todo se lo iba a explicar por carta.
-No me acuerdo del nombre de mi mujer…
Alguien llamó a la puerta.
-Hola. Su marido le espera en el despacho del capitán. Está muy preocupado por el accidente que tuvo, y le está poniendo en antecedentes.