Monday, November 4, 2019

Handkerchiefs 27 - Pañuelos 27

Lilith and the Huntington Family

After escaping from the box that those thieves had stolen, Tom's friends took refuge in a sort of wooden house, surprisingly appropriate to their size. The joy of being together in a safe place was short-lived. A Great Dane approached the little house dangerously, his little house. Lilith, in an attack of hysteria decided to face the enormous dog and came out of the darkness showing herself openly and shouting strange phrases that made the great dog flee.
The dog's owner, Mr. Huntington, saw through the window that something was wrong with the dog, and rushed out, thinking that the dog had reacted to something or someone. He went directly to the animal facility, where he had managed to collect hundreds of batrachians, his greatest treasure. He wanted to protect them at all costs, because he had managed to communicate with them and they had revealed incredible secrets. As he walked through the garden, he thought he was seeing something moving quickly trying to hide.

Lilith y la familia Huntington
Después de escapar de la caja que habían robado aquellos ladrones, los amigos de Tom se refugiaron en una especie de casita de madera, sorprendentemente, adecuada a su tamaño. La alegría de estar juntos en un lugar a salvo duró poco. Un Gran Danés se acercaba peligrosamente a la casita, a su casita. Lilith, en un ataque de histeria decidió hacer frente al enorme perro y salió de la oscuridad mostrándose abiertamente y gritando unas extrañas frases que hicieron huir al gran can.
El dueño del perro, el Sr. Huntington vio a través de la ventana que algo le ocurría al perro, y salió deprisa, pensando  que el perro había reaccionado a algo o alguien. Se dirigió directamente al animalario, donde había conseguido disponer de cientos de batracios, su mayor tesoro. Los quería proteger a toda costa, porque se había conseguido comunicar con ellos y ellos le habían revelado secretos increíbles. Cuando atravesaba el jardín, creyó ver algo que se movía rápidamente tratando de ocultarse.