Handkerchiefs 4
The small beings that the owner of those handkerchiefs had
found came from a dark planet. A planet that was crossing the outer space millions of kilometers from its star, and did not revolve around
its axis, always presenting the same face to the star. Beings were living in it
who used the energy of darkness to live. For this reason, they were
concentrating on the part of the planet that was always hidden from the star.
One of the space-time discontinuities, which manifested themselves spontaneously,
had sucked those beings and moved them to Earth, specifically to the bedroom of
the owner of the handkerchiefs.
The difficulty of access to the wooded peaks protected the
secret of the king of the mountain, Tom's father. His son had been conceived by
an immortal woman, and the structure of his DNA was the secret that no one
knew. When he was older, his father tried to explain to him his nature and the
prodigies he could live.
Pañuelos 4
Los pequeños seres que había encontrado el dueño de aquellos
pañuelos procedían de un planeta oscuro. Un planeta que surcaba el espacio
sideral a millones de kilómetros de su estrella, y no giraba alrededor
de su eje, presentando siempre la misma cara a la estrella. Albergaba a seres
que utilizaban la energía de la oscuridad para vivir. Por ese motivo, se
concentraban en la parte del planeta que siempre se mantenía oculta a la estrella.
Una de las discontinuidades espacio-tiempo, que se manifestaban espontáneamente,
había succionado a aquellos seres y los había trasladado a la Tierra, en
concreto al dormitorio del dueño de los pañuelos.
La dificultad de acceso a las boscosas cumbres protegía el secreto
del rey de la montaña, el padre de Tom. Su hijo había sido concebido por una inmortal,
y la estructura de su ADN era el secreto que nadie conocía. Cuando fue mayor,
su padre trató de explicarle su naturaleza y los prodigios que podría llegar a vivir.