Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Handkerchiefs 11 - Pañuelos 11

Handkerchiefs 11

It was impossible not to see that slender tower, the place where spirits were welcomed. Its extraordinary structure cast an immense shadow over the walls of the swangdoms, constructions which varied in shape and colour in the wake of the thoughts of the spirits who inhabited them. Thus, a multicolored space created by an endless number of swangdoms extended to the horizon, dotted with infinite colors changing the amber carpet that was the floor. The shadows that the pink light lent to objects and beings, were blurred until they disappeared when it came to spirits, so that his friend was not accompanied by any shadow.
Tom entered with some apprehension when his friend invited him to go inside his swangdom, but as his eyes became accustomed to the warm luminosity of its interior, the peace that transmitted that living place reached the deepest of his soul.

Pañuelos 11

Era imposible no ver aquella esbelta torre, el lugar en el que se daba la bienvenida a los espíritus. Su extraordinaria estructura proyectaba una inmensa sombra sobre las paredes de los swangdoms, construcciones que variaban su forma y color siguiendo la estela de los pensamientos de los espíritus que los habitaban. Así, un espacio multicolor creado por una interminable cantidad de swangdoms se extendía hasta el horizonte, salpicando de infinitos colores cambiantes la alfombra ámbar que era el suelo. Las sombras que la luz rosa prestaba a los objetos y a los seres, se difuminaba hasta desaparecer cuando se trataba de espíritus, de manera  que a su amigo no le acompañaba ninguna sombra.
Tom entró con cierta aprensión cuando su amigo le invitó a pasar al interior de su swangdom, pero a medida que sus ojos se acostumbraban a la tibia luminosidad de su interior, la paz que transmitía ese lugar vivo le llegó a lo más profundo de su alma.