Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Pesadilla (parte final) Nightmare (final part)

Pesadilla (parte final)

El comisario interrumpió la lectura de la declaración del detenido y lo miró fijamente.
-Así que después de haberlo sorprendido clavando un destornillador a un empleado de la gasolinera próxima al lugar en el que usted dice que ocurrieron los hechos, usted nos quiere hacer creer que unos encapuchados le hicieron salir de la carretera y que a continuación iban a ir a por usted.
-Sí. Eso es lo que he declarado y es lo que ocurrió. El empleado de la gasolinera no es tal. Es uno de los que forma el grupo que ha intentado secuestrarme, no sé con qué fines. No solo a mí, sino a otras personas que seguramente iban en los coches que había aparcados en el lugar en el que se detuvo mi coche.
-Lo único cierto es que hay una persona en el hospital por herida de destornillador y que usted es el causante de ello. Por otra parte, en el lugar que usted indica solamente hay un coche, el suyo…..
Han pasado muchos años y nuestro protagonista, sentado en un gran salón que comparte con personas vestidas como él, lee y vuelve a leer cada día los papeles ya amarillentos del caso. Sonríe y cae en un extraño desmayo. Los enfermeros del hospital psiquiátrico lo llevan a su habitación y le administran los fármacos que le ayudan a dormir.

Nightmare (final part)

The police superintendent interrupted the reading of the arrestee's statement and stared at him.
"So after having caught you stabbing with a screwdriver to a clerk at the gas station near to where you say the events occurred, you want to make us believe that some hooded men got you off the road and then they said they would in return to look for you."
“And so it is. That's what I said and what happened. The gas station employee is not such. He is one of the group that has tried to kidnap me, I do not know to what ends. Not only me, but also other people who were probably in the cars that had parked in the place where my car stopped.”
“The only certain thing is that there is a person in the hospital with a open wound caused by a screwdriver and that you are the one who did it. On the other hand, in the place that you indicate there is only one car, yours ... “

Many years have passed and our protagonist, sitting in a large room that shares with people dressed like him, reads and reads each day the now yellowing papers of the case. He smiles and falls into a strange faint. Male nurses at the psychiatric hospital take him to his room and gie him drugs that help him sleep.