Monday, August 28, 2017

El enigma del califa The Conundrum of the Caliph

El enigma del califa

Hace mucho tiempo, Bagdad era el centro del mundo. Y el centro del mundo lo ocupaba el gran califa.  De entre todas las maravillas que la vida le brindaba, la joya más preciada era su harén. Sin embargo, cuando conversaba con sus mujeres les comentaba que echaba de menos muchas cosas. Demasiadas cosas, porque el califa… era ciego.
Las concubinas escuchaban con atención cuando él les decía que de su niñez, recordaba el color de los atardeceres; de su juventud, las increíbles formas femeninas; y la luz, el juego de la luz con su extraordinaria capacidad para apreciar los más inadvertidos detalles en las cosas. Y les comentaba que todo se había transformado en oscuridad.
Cuentan que fue su fogosidad para mantener vivo el harén lo que le hizo perder la capacidad de ver. Pero todo el mundo creía que, como si algo o alguien tratara de compensar su desgracia, sus otros sentidos se habían desarrollado de una manera increíble. Por ese motivo conocía de tal manera a sus concubinas, que podía identificar a cada una de ellas acariciando un instante su piel, o escuchando su voz, o simplemente oliendo sus esencias.
Pero no se trataba de que sus sentidos se hubieran agudizado. En realidad nadie sabía que cuando una mañana se despertó sus ojos no le permitían ver, pero al mismo tiempo percibía en su mente las imágenes que antes le ofrecían sus ojos. Éstas eran imágenes esféricas, ofreciéndole un panorama detallado en todas las direcciones del espacio. Así que nadie supo jamás que el califa lo ‘veía’ todo, y el enigma se mantiene vivo para el resto del mundo.

The Conundrum of the Caliph

Long ago, Baghdad was the center of the world. And the center of the world was occupied by the great caliph. Of all the wonders that life offered him, the most precious jewel was his harem. However, when he talked to his wives he said them that he had missed many things. Too many things, because the caliph ... was blind.
The concubines listened to him with attention when he told them that he remembered the color of the sunsets when he was a child; the incredible feminine forms when he was a young man; and light, the play of light with its extraordinary ability to appreciate the most unnoticed details in things. And he told them that everything had been transformed into darkness.
They say that it was their ardor to keep the harem alive which made him lose his ability to see. But everyone believed that, as if something or somebody were trying to make up for their misfortune, their other senses had developed in an incredible way. That is why he known his concubines in such a way that he could identify each of them by caressing her skin for an instant or by listening to her voice, or simply by smelling her scents.

But it was not that his senses had become more acute. No one really knew that when one morning he woke up, his eyes he would not allow him to see, but at the same time he perceived in his mind the images that his eyes offered him before. These were spherical images, offering a detailed panorama in all directions of space. So no one ever knew that the caliph 'saw' it all, and the enigma remains alive for the rest of the world.