primates were concentrated in an open place in the jungle. The agitation of the
group was evident. One of its male members frequented the company of a female
member of another group of primates hostile to the first group.
It was very
strange, because without knowing how, the two primates, male and female, had something
that allowed them to establish a relationship between them that was different
from the one they had with the rest. And the other primates were upset with
them. Without knowing how it had happened, their problem-solving and about
communication skills were much more sophisticated than the others had, and this
made them different.
In the end,
they both decided to leave their groups and leave together.
It was the
beginning of the end. The beginning of the human race and the end of slavery as
a race at the mercy of nature.
Los primates se concentraron en un lugar abierto de la
selva. La agitación del grupo era evidente. Uno de sus componentes masculinos
frecuentaba la compañía de una componente femenina de otro grupo de primates
hostiles al primer grupo.
Era muy extraño, porque sin saber cómo, los dos primates,
macho y hembra, tenían algo que les permitía establecer una relación entre
ellos distinta a la que tenían con el resto. Y los otros primates estaban
molestos con ellos. Sin saber cómo había ocurrido, sus capacidades para
resolver problemas y para comunicarse eran mucho más sofisticadas que las del
resto, y esto los hacía distintos a los
demás. Al final, ambos decidieron abandonar cada uno a su respectivo grupo y
marcharse juntos.
Era el principio del fin. El principio de la raza humana y
el fin de la esclavitud como raza a merced de la naturaleza.