Thursday, August 19, 2021

Mohammad Shaban

Mohammad Shaban

He only has the imagination, the memory of what his eyes saw before he lost them. Mohammad is a handsome boy. His cheeks declare his love for life. He has not lost his smile, nor has he lost the illusion for so many things that he has to live in the future, his future. Someday somewhere, someone will return his sight and he, grateful, will continue to smile at the world and forgive, if forgiveness is possible in this difficult world.

From @AndredeVegte6


Mohammad Shaban

Solo le queda la imaginación, el recuerdo que lo que sus ojos veían antes de perderlos. Mohammad es un niño guapo. Sus mejillas declaran su amor por la vida. No ha perdido la sonrisa, ni ha perdido la ilusión por tantas cosas que tiene que vivir. Algún día en algún lugar, alguien le devolverá la vista y él, agradecido, seguirá sonriendo al mundo y perdonando, si es que en este mundo difícil cabe el perdón.

De @AndredeVegte6