Saturday, September 16, 2017

Pliegues del alma Folds of the soul

Pliegues del alma

En los pliegues de mi alma
duerme mi niño.
En los pliegues se abriga
con mi cariño.
Con mi cariño vive
sano y seguro,
le preparo el camino
para el futuro.
Duerme mi niño duerme,
duerme tranquilo,
que yo velo tu sueño
dulce y querido.

Folds of the soul

In the folds of my soul
my child is sleeping.
He feel sheltering
with my singing.
With my love he lives
healthy and safe
I prepare him the way
for his fate.
Sleep, my boy, sleep,
live your dreams,
that I guard your rest
through its streams.