Friday, November 19, 2021

Nobody - Nadie


His name was Nobody. The name was chosen by his father because he wanted his son to never fall into the trap of pride, importance and self-promotion. Nobody grew up alone and learned to think alone. His ideas were not contaminated by anything or anyone, and his thought flourished from the white of the void until it came to compose the most beautiful spaces. Worlds like red roses, universes that flew on butterfly wings. And he died without knowing what a kiss tastes like, without knowing caresses and oblivious to the love of someone who filled their perfect worlds.



Se llamaba Nadie. El nombre lo eligió su padre porque quería que su hijo nunca cayera en la trampa de la soberbia, de la  importancia y del autobombo. Nadie creció solo y aprendió a pensar en soledad. Sus ideas no estaban contaminadas por nada ni por nadie, y su pensamiento florecíó desde el blanco del vacío hasta llegar a componer los más bellos espacios. Mundos como rosas rojas, universos que volaban sobre alas de mariposas. Y murió sin saber a qué sabe un beso, sin conocer las caricias y ajeno al amor de alguien que llenara sus mundos perfectos.  


  1. Now this is both beautiful and poetic and also heartbreaking. Because what is the beauty of a Rose if there's no butterfly to kiss its petals?

  2. Thank you so much, Katy. I think that your soul is poetry. Take care of yourself. Thank you!!!
