Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Other - Lo otro

The Other

I had slept well that night. I got up after the alarm clock didn't stop hammering my ears. My wife had risen early and was no longer at home. I ate breakfast and went outside and instead of heading to the garage, my legs didn't obey me. They began to move in the opposite direction and at great speed. They stopped dead in their tracks at a bus stop. I wanted to go back, but my legs were standing there, not moving an inch. I get to the bus and they put me on it. The driver expected me to pay for the ticket. I said I wanted to get off. However my legs were nailed to the floor of the bus. In the end I had to pay the ticket. After three stops, my legs started to move and they lowered me on a street to fifteen minutes from home. They took me up to the the terrace of a building and there I saw something that took my breath away.
In the building in front of the building I was in, my wife was naked in front of an individual I did not know.

Lo otro

Aquella noche había dormido bien. Me levanté después de que el despertador no dejada de martillear mis oídos. Mi mujer había madrugado y ya no estaba en casa. Desayuné y salí a la calle y en lugar de dirigirme al garaje, mis piernas no me obedecían. Empezaron a moverse en sentido contrario y a una gran velocidad. Se detuvieron en seco en una parada de autobús. Yo quería volver pero mis piernas estaban detenidas allí, sin moverse ni un milímetro. Llego al autobús y me subieron. El conductor esperaba que pagara del billete. Yo le dije que me quería bajar. Sin embargo mis piernas estaban clavadas al suelo del autobús. Al final tuve que abonar el importe. Después de tres paradas, mis piernas se empezaron a mover y me bajaron en una calle cerca de casa. Me subieron hasta la azotea de un edificio y allí vi algo que me dejó sin aliento.
En el edificio de enfrente, mi mujer estaba desnuda frente a un individuo que yo no conocía.

The Marabunta - La marabunta

The Marabunta

The marabunta was heading north. Previously it had devastated the fertile fields of the riverside. It was time to die. Omnivorous ants were spreading out like an endless, inexorable army. The little boy was playing in front of the porch of his house in the mide of nowhere. The sun was falling unrepentant and his mother could not imagine that the distant thud could be the prelude to a great tragedy. A slight buzz, gradually was transforming into a deafening noise similar to a cataclysm. And suddenly there they were. The scared woman went looking for her son. I didn't know what it was about. She hugged the boy and, as soon as she had closed the door, the ants had eaten the windows and entered into the kitchen.
Suddenly there was silence. The ants stopped right at the woman's feet and, as if obeying an order, began to retreat. When she looked at her son, she saw in his gaze a strange brightness and an enigmatic smile.

La marabunta

La marabunta se dirigía hacia el norte. Previamente había desolado los fértiles campos de la ribera. Era el momento de morir. Hormigas omnívoras se desplegaban como un ejército interminable, inexorable. El pequeño se encontraba jugando delante del porche de su casa. El sol caía impenitente y su madre no podía imaginar que el ruido sordo, lejano, era el preludio de una gran tragedia. Un ligero zumbido, por momentos se fue transformando en un ensordecedor ruido parecido a un cataclismo. Y de pronto ahí estaban. La mujer, asustada, salió a buscar a su hijo. No sabía de lo que se trataba. Abrazó al niño y, apenas había cerrado la puerta, las hormigas habían acabado con las ventanas y penetrado en la cocina.
De repente, se hizo el silencio. Las hormigas se detuvieron justo a los pies de la mujer y, como si obedecieran una orden empezaron a replegarse. Cuando miró a su hijo observó en su mirada un extraño brillo y una sonrisa enigmática.

Monday, March 23, 2020

The River - El río

The river
I went down to the river. There she was, resting her hip on a moon rock. I approached slowly, and as our breaths melted into a single heat, the fleeting trail of the unicorn crossed, breaking our thread of gold. I reached out to caress her face and ... she vanished, to appear far away, sitting on the back of the unicorn that finally took her away from that river and from me.

El río
Bajé al rio. Allí estaba, apoyada la cadera en una roca lunar. Me acerqué despacio, y a medida que nuestros alientos se fundían en un único calor, la fugaz estela del unicornio se cruzó rompiendo nuestro hilo de oro. Extendí la mano para acariciar su rostro y… se desvaneció, para aparecer lejos, sentada a lomos del unicornio que la alejó definitivamente de aquel río y de mí.


And the Lord did not know what to do. And the human beings prayed and asked for help. And the creatures of the earth wept over what was happening. The coronavirus itself, despite itself, was not aware of what it was doing.

Y el Señor no sabía qué hacer. Y los seres humanos rezaban y le pedían ayuda. Y las criaturas de la tierra lloraban por lo que estaba ocurriendo. El propio coronavirus, pese a él mismo, no era consciente de lo que estaba haciendo.


И Господь не знал, что делать. И люди молились и просили помощи. И существа земли оплакивали происходящее. Сам коронавирус, несмотря на себя, не знал, что он делает.