The Other
I had slept well that night. I got up after the alarm clock
didn't stop hammering my ears. My wife had risen early and was no longer at
home. I ate breakfast and went outside and instead of heading to the garage, my
legs didn't obey me. They began to move in the opposite direction and at great
speed. They stopped dead in their tracks at a bus stop. I wanted to go back,
but my legs were standing there, not moving an inch. I get to the bus and they
put me on it. The driver expected me to pay for the ticket. I said I wanted to
get off. However my legs were nailed to the floor of the bus. In the end I had
to pay the ticket. After three stops, my legs started to move and they lowered
me on a street to fifteen minutes from home. They took me up to the the terrace
of a building and there I saw something that took my breath away.
In the building in front of the building I was in, my wife
was naked in front of an individual I did not know.
Lo otro
Aquella noche había dormido bien. Me levanté después de que
el despertador no dejada de martillear mis oídos. Mi mujer había madrugado y ya
no estaba en casa. Desayuné y salí a la calle y en lugar de dirigirme al
garaje, mis piernas no me obedecían. Empezaron a moverse en sentido contrario y
a una gran velocidad. Se detuvieron en seco en una parada de autobús. Yo quería
volver pero mis piernas estaban detenidas allí, sin moverse ni un milímetro. Llego
al autobús y me subieron. El conductor esperaba que pagara del billete. Yo le
dije que me quería bajar. Sin embargo mis piernas estaban clavadas al suelo del
autobús. Al final tuve que abonar el importe. Después de tres paradas, mis
piernas se empezaron a mover y me bajaron en una calle cerca de casa. Me
subieron hasta la azotea de un edificio y allí vi algo que me dejó sin aliento.
En el edificio de enfrente, mi mujer estaba desnuda frente a
un individuo que yo no conocía.