White roses
He was going to visit his wife. He brought a match to the
bouquet of white roses. The petals opened and fell on that path flanked by
millenary trees that was leading him to what, until a few days ago, had been
his home.
When he reached the door, the bouquet had died, but the
universe was not going to allow him to write fate. Inexplicably, when his wife
opened the door for him, beautiful white flowers was adorning the bouquet.
Rosas blancas
Iba a visitar a su esposa. Acercó una cerilla al ramo de
rosas blancas. Los pétalos se abrieron y fueron cayendo sobre aquel sendero que
flanqueado por árboles milenarios conducía a la que, hasta hacía unos días,
había sido su casa.
Al llegar a la puerta, el ramo había muerto, pero el universo
no iba a permitir que él escribiera el destino. Inexplicablemente, cuando su
esposa le abrió la puerta, unas hermosas flores blancas adornaban el ramo.
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