Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Doorbell - El timbre

The Doorbell

We were having dinner at home when the doorbell rang. It was death. I stayed calm because the door was locked and I couldn't get in. We were protected.
Soon I discovered that death, although it rings the doorbell to warn us of its arrival, does not need us to open the door to be able to enter. Death is inside us.

El timbre

Estábamos cenando en casa cuando sonó el timbre de la puerta. Era la muerte. Yo me quedé tranquilo porque la puerta estaba cerrada con llave y no podía entrar. Estábamos protegidos.
Al poco rato descubrí que la muerte, aunque llame al timbre de casa para avisarnos de su llegada, no necesita que le  abramos la puerta para entrar. Está dentro de nosotros.

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