Where I Come From
"I think I come from where the breeze is born, near the sea, from where feelings are born, near the heart, and above all from where my love for you is born, which fills my soul."The Twilight Short Stories blog opens the window to imagined stories, which are on the border between the dream world and the real one. They are imagination exercises loaded with realities from other worlds.----------------------------- El blog de relatos cortos crepusculares abre la ventana a relatos imaginados, que están en la frontera entre el mundo onírico y el real. Son ejercicios de imaginación cargados de realidades de otros mundos.
Monday, September 26, 2022
Where I Come From
Monday, September 19, 2022
The Edge - El filo
The Edge
Now my life is almost full and my death almost empty. That was what I thought after leaving the operating room. Although I confess that at times death came to have a sweet taste, almost ambrosial, I was grateful that it passed through my life on tiptoe and fleetingly. Even so, death had time to gather all the memories of my loved ones who came to comfort me in what seemed to be a pleasant reception to their world. But unexpectedly a bright light interposed itself and led me back to places where I lived my childhood and finally dazzled me in the spotlights of the operating room.
El filo
Ahora mi vida está casi llena y mi muerte casi vacía. Eso fue lo que pensé después de salir del quirófano. Aunque confieso que en algunos momentos la muerte llegó a tener un sabor dulce, casi ambrosíaco, agradecí que transitara por mi vida de puntillas y fugazmente. Aún así le dió tiempo a reunir a todos los recuerdos de mis amados seres que vinieron a reconfortarme en lo que pareció ser una agradable recepción a su mundo. Pero inesperadamente una brillante luz se interpuso y me condujo de nuevo a lugares donde viví mi infancia y, finalmente, me deslumbrar on los focos de la sala de operaciones.
Friday, September 16, 2022
Silhouettes - Siluetas
In this new version of the world we are all silhouettes. After the eruption of the volcano, the pyroclasts have impregnated everything, so that there is no longer anyone recognizable at first sight. The skin has been covered forever with that gray ash that makes us all the same. The throat can only emit unintelligible sounds and the eyes have become accustomed to the intense red of the atmosphere.
En esta nueva version del mundo todos somos siluetas. Después de la erupción del volcán, los piroclastos lo han impregnado todo, de manera que ya no hay nadie reconocible a primera vista. La piel se ha cubierto para siempre de esa ceniza gris que nos hace a todos iguales. La garganta solo puede emitir sonidos ininteligibles y los ojos se han acostumbrado al rojo intenso de la atmósfera.
Monday, September 12, 2022
Put me in my cradle! - ¡Acúname!
Put me in my cradle!
He spread his little arms and plump legs as he laid his face down on the bed. He was smiling. He had just turned three months old.
As I turned to head for the bathroom, a metallic voice said: put me in my cradle!
I turned around quickly and the baby's lips repeated: put me in my cradle!
The horror of him overcame me. I looked at him in disbelief at what was happening. He was still smiling. I was terrified, and an infinite revulsion prevented me from approaching him.
Then, leaning on his little arms, he sat up in bed and a hoarse laugh came from his throat.
Then the baby began to cry uncontrollably and stretched out his arms for me to pick him up. He touched me and I hugged him with all my love.
Nothing like this ever happened after that horrific experience.
Extendió sus bracitos y sus rollizas piernas al dejarlo boca abajo en la cama. Sonreía. Acababa de cumplir tres meses.
Cuando me dí la vuelta para dirigirme al baño, una voz metálica dijo: acúname.
Me dí la vuelta rápidamente y los labios del bebé repitieron: acúname.
El espanto se apoderó de mí. Le miré sin dar crédito a lo que estaba ocurriendo. Él seguía sonriendo. Yo estaba aterrada, y una repulsión infinita me impedía acercarme a él.
Entonces, apoyándose en sus bracitos, se sentó en la cama y una ronca carcajada salió de su garganta.
A continuación, el bebé se puso a llorar desconsoladamente y extendía lo brazos para que lo cogiera. Me conmovió y lo abracé con todo mi amor.
Nunca ocurrió nada parecido después de aquella espantosa experiencia
Saturday, September 10, 2022
The souls that flanked that dazzling and serene white spirit asked the lords of the night if that path led from the gates of Balmoral to the spaces destined for the immortals. The lords of the night, silent witnesses of history, agreed. The procession continued on its way, but unexpectedly, the spirit retraced her steps. Balmoral was too important. So he decided to give up the spaces of the immortals and eternally inhabit the places of his memories of her.
Las ánimas que flanqueaban a aquell deslumbrante y sereno espíritu blanco, le preguntaron a los señores de la noche si aquel camino conducía desde las puertas de Balmoral a los espacios destinados a los inmortales. Los señores de la noche, testigos mudos de la historia, a sintieron. El cortejo siguió su camino, pero inesperadamente, el espíritu volvió sobre sus pasos. Balmoral era demasiado importante. Así que decidió renunciar a los espacios de los inmortales y habitar eternamente los lugares de sus recuerdos.
Friday, September 9, 2022
The awakened mind - La mente despierta
The awakened mind
To have the ability to ignore the idea we have of others because of the part of them we always see and to change our idea of them taking into account what we did not see of them.
La mente despierta
Tener la capacidad de ignorar la idea que tenemos de los demás por la parte de ellos que siempre vemos y cambiar nuestra idea de ellos teniendo en cuenta lo que no veíamos de ellos.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Vulvur Incident. Star time 1439-12 - Incidente Vulvur. Tiempo estelar 1439-12
Vulvur Incident. Star time 1439-12
A hundred million kilometers from Vulvur, to the starboard of our ship, a huge object appeared out of nowhere and threatened to crash into the ship. When the collision seemed inevitable, the object disappeared. We believe that this was an erroneous maneuver on the part of the object. In the surroundings of the star Vulvur, twelve hundred cataloged spaces coexist, independent of each other. Each ship or object is assigned a specific space-time for its flight. The object must have left its coordinates and invaded our space-time. Fortunately the object has corrected its presence and has returned to its space-time.
Incidente Vulvur. Tiempo estelar 1439-12
A cien millones de kilómetros de Vulvur, a estribor de nuestra nave, un enorme objeto surgió de la nada y amenazaba con estrellarse contra la nave. Cuando la colisión parecía inevitable, el objeto desapareció. Creemos que se ha tratado de una maniobra errónea por parte del objeto. En el entorno de la estrella Vulvur coexisten catalogados mil doscientos espacios, independientes unos de otros. A cada nave u objeto se le asigna un espacio-tiempo concreto para su vuelo. El objeto ha debido salirse de sus coordenadas e invadir nuestro espacio-tiempo. Afortunadamente el objeto ha corregido su presencia y ha vuelto a su espacio-tiempo.
Monday, September 5, 2022
'Blue' - 'Azul'
It all happened on his first humanitarian aid mission to Somalia in 2017. There he witnessed a historic event. He headed a special military unit in which its members were equipped with the latest advances in sustainable technology. Devices to combat endemic diseases, seeds that could bear fruit after hours of being planted, robots with which they communicate with the population, bird robots, known as 'blue' due to their bright and striking plumage, which were actually devices camouflaged with which to recognize the terrain from a certain height and who could also talk to the frightened natives. Upon discovering that a bird asked them questions in their language, the natives imagined all kinds of curses and misfortunes.
Only one half-naked boy in the frightened crowd dared challenge him and issued a challenge, with the proviso that if he failed, the bird would become the boy's.
'Blue' answering with a resounding 'yes'.
The boy then asked him if he knew where the meaning of daldaloulow came from.
The bird consulted the information but time passed and it could not find an answer.
The boy then explained that he could not know because the answer was in the future, in the story entitled 'The perforated thing' (La cosa perforada) that would be published a year later, in 2018.
That was how 'blue' came to belong to the boy.
Sólo un muchacho semidesnudo de entre la asustada multitud se atrevió a desafiarle y le lanzó un reto, con la condición de que si no lo superaba, el pájaro pasaría a pertenecer al muchacho.
'Azul' respondiendo con un rotundo 'sí'.
Entonces el muchacho le preguntó si sabía de dónde procede el significado de daldaloulow.
El pájaro consultó la información pero pasaba el tiempo y éste no conseguía encontrar una respuesta.
El muchacho entonces le explicó que no lo podía saber porque la respuesta estaba en el futuro, en el cuento titulado 'La cosa perforada', que se publicaría un año después, en 2018.
Fue así como 'azul' pasó a pertenecer al muchacho.
Thursday, September 1, 2022
NASA has warned about the appearance of a spot on the sun that is growing rapidly. But scientists hide that they are elves. Oblivious to these high temperatures, they walk along the surface of the sun devouring electromagnetic waves. The light, or in other words, its food, begins to be scarce. For this reason they have started a protest march to the ends of the universe to reach an agreement with the Founders, who, wrapped in dark hoods, listen carefully to the claims of the goblins. If they are successful, the spots will soon disappear.
La NASA ha alertado sobre la aparición de una mancha en el sol que está creciendo rápidamente. Pero los científicos ocultan que se trata de duendes. Ajenos estos a las altas temperaturas, se pasean por la superficie del sol devorando ondas electromagnéticas. La luz, o dicho de otra forma, su alimento, empieza a escasear. Por ese motivo han iniciado una marcha de protesta a los confines del universo para pactar un acuerdo con los Fundadores, que envueltos en oscuras capuchas escuchan atentamente las reclamaciones de los duendes. Si tienen éxito, las manchas pronto desaparecerán.